How to use the library

Get inspired

It all begins with an idea. If you want to develop a service for the circular economy, use the patterns like a set of method cards. Swap through them and choose circular use cases that could fit your assignment. Finally, choose the concept that benefits the company, the customer and the environment most. After that, you can go prototyping.

Prototype it

After you have decided which service to develop, use the patterns to prototype it. You can do that by simply printing, cutting and pasting patterns to build a prototype.

Use the digital downloads to work in the software of your choice. Prototyping is a cheap and fast way to find out early in the process if customers and stakeholders actually adopt your idea.

Join a workshop

Learn how to conduct a service design sprint for the circular economy and use the Circular Experience Library. The workshop is lead by Peter Post. He is a UX and Service Design consultant, founder of and author of the library.

Learn more (German only)

Watch the video introduction

Video introduction